Meet the team

The Open Source Wellness team is committed to authenticity, integrity, cultural humility, joy, and impact.

Our team is our magic

Given our commitment to having a team that is demographically and culturally representative of the populations that we serve, we hire and train individuals who have a wide range of backgrounds and lived experiences. The current team is 65% people of color and majority women, and our health coaching team is over 75% people of color. Our coaches speak ten different languages: English, Spanish, Arabic, Hindi, Telugu, Marathi, French, Portuguese, Hebrew and Tagalog.
Every month, our entire team gathers for our Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) learning collaborative. Our 2023 topics included health equity, sizeism, gender, ableism, race, ageism, immigration, housing insecurity, food insecurity, medical advocacy and Indigenous Peoples. In 2024, we're reading together "Diversity in Clinical Practice" by Lambers Fisher.

We are a reflection of the communities that we serve.

Elizabeth Markle, Ph.D. Linkedin logo

Elizabeth Markle, Ph.D.

​Elizabeth Markle, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist, speaker, writer, researcher, and Associate Professor of Community Mental Health at California Institute of Integral Studies. Dedicated to multi-theoretical and multi-level approaches to individual and community health and healing, Elizabeth's current area of study and innovation is around combining clinical expertise with social entrepreneurship to create sustainable, thriving cultures of health and wellness. She is the co-founder of Open Source Wellness (, a nonprofit initiative offering experiential behavioral health and wellness via a "Community As Medicine" approach in collaboration with healthcare providers and insurers.
Co-Founder, Executive Director

Ben Emmert-Aronson, Ph.D.Linkedin logo

Ben Emmert-Aronson, Ph.D.

Benjamin Emmert-Aronson, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist, researcher, and advocate. He earned his MS in Statistics from Columbia University and his Ph.D. in Psychology from Boston University. He is the co-founder of Open Source Wellness, a non-profit that partners with underserved communities to improve health and wellness and reduce health inequity. Open Source Wellness utilizes person-centered design to build health and well-being events where participants actively engage in movement, mindfulness, plant-based meals, and health coaching, frequently free of charge. He is now equally likely to be found at the microphone, analyzing data, or doing the cupid shuffle, all in the name of better health for our most vulnerable neighbors.
Co-Founder, Director of Operations

Julie AlvarezLinkedin logo

Julie Alvarez

Julie has her bachelor’s in Public Health with a focus on Holistic Health from San Francisco State University. After over a decade in the wellness industry she learned first hand that the most effective pathway to healthy living is having a community that supports positive changes. Her drive comes from an unwavering commitment to create a world where everyone has access to the basics like healthy food, health care, and safe and connected communities.
Director of Clinical and Community Health Programs

Rachel BarachLinkedin logo

Rachel Barach

Rachel's vision is to expand access to quality health coaching for all who need it. She believes health is a basic human right. In her current role, she trains health coaches focusing on trauma-informed coaching, cultural relevance, social determinants of health, empathy, rapport, and suicide prevention. She also has deep expertise in individual coaching and group coaching in a healthcare context and has worked with over one thousand clients. Rachel’s teaching style is engaging, nuanced, humorous, and enthusiastic.
CAMPT Program Director & Head of ​HR

NBC-HWC, Certified QPR Instructor

Sally St. John, MA, NBC-HWCLinkedin logo

Sally St. John, MA, NBC-HWC

Sally St. John, MA, NBC-HWC is the Director of Community as Medicine™ Implementation Partnerships at Open Source Wellness. Sally has over a decade of experience in pioneering a worldview that values mind-body-spirit sustainability in all people. As a seasoned nonprofit senior leader, integrative health and wellness coach, and a graduate of holistic health studies at St. Catherine University, she has gained deep competencies in supporting the healing of the whole-person. Sally’s work includes exploration of cultural diversity and indigenous and ancient healing practices, and investigation of the historic constructs of oppression underpinning today's medical and public health systems to influence not only individual, but also community and systemic change. She is inspired by Open Source Wellness’s evidence-based lifestyle medicine solutions that are rooted in the social determinants of health, and the integration of CAM in both clinical and CBO settings to improve access to health and wellbeing for all.
Director of Implementation Partnerships

Sara StandishLinkedin logo

Sara Standish

Director of Strategic Partnerships

Teresa EllisLinkedin logo

Teresa Ellis

Sharing how amazing our bodies are is my happy place.
Movement Lead

Certified Pilates Instructor and Personal Trainer

Constanza YanezLinkedin logo

Constanza Yanez

Equity, connection & dark chocolate make my heart sing
Clinical Program Lead

200 YT Yoga Instructor & Mindfulness Facilitator

Jessica FerrarLinkedin logo

Jessica Ferrar

Connection, Community, Care, Love, Humor, Movement
Site Lead, Health Coach


Christina Taylor, Ph.D.Linkedin logo

Christina Taylor, Ph.D.

A yoga instructor, and integrative wellness & grief coach, Christina Marie, believes that it is possible to embody wellness at every stage of life. She enacts social justice within her reach by committing to reduce the gap in access to wellness support one person at a time. Christina Marie is currently a Ph.D. student studying Mind-Body Medicine specializing in Integrative and Functional Nutrition. Her dissertation will explore the role of nourishment for women who have experienced grief due to loss.
Site Lead, ​Health Coach, Faculty


Jacky CarilloLinkedin logo

Jacky Carillo

Highly motivated through the power of connection, kindness, and understanding.
Site Lead, Health Coach

Cristian VelasquezLinkedin logo

Cristian Velasquez

Passionate, Hardworking, and Empathetic
Health Coach

Shreya ShettyLinkedin logo

Shreya Shetty

Being a health coach brings a great sense of gratitude, where I get an opportunity to support participants to take charge of their life through small and big wins which, when built upon each other, help people to thrive in both physical and mental health well being. Health Coaching equates to a blessing, to be able to touch so many lives is to be a chosen one.
Health Coach, NBC-HWC

Erykah HamiltonLinkedin logo

Erykah Hamilton

Committed, Compassionate, Caring.

Carolina (Lena) AyalaLinkedin logo

Carolina (Lena) Ayala

Author passionate for teaching and nurturing others
Health Coach

Marie ObligacionLinkedin logo

Marie Obligacion

Personal connection, self-advocacy, and food that makes your heart full
Site Lead, Health Coach

Erika GomezLinkedin logo

Erika Gomez

Love to empower and inspire others to achieve health and life goals
Site Lead, Health Coach

Angelina I. Londoño, Ph.D.Linkedin logo

Angelina I. Londoño, Ph.D.

Angelina is a highly experienced Translational Researcher, Bilingual Health Educator, Trainer, DE&I advocate, and entrepreneur. She is strongly dedicated to empowering trainees and coaching participants through self-compassion, self-efficacy, and connection. Angelina firmly believes in the transformative power of community and peer support in fostering a sense of belonging and promoting overall well-being. With a deep commitment to equity and social justice, Angelina leverages her bi-cultural background and fluency in Spanish to effectively drive positive change. Her teaching and mentoring philosophy revolves around helping students discover their strengths and building their confidence in a positive, inclusive learning environment that encourages student engagement and personal growth.
Health Coach, NBC-HWC

Sara DuranLinkedin logo

Sara Duran

Nothing works in isolation. I believe that a holistic approach works better than a divided one.​
Health Coach

Alma GalindoLinkedin logo

Alma Galindo

Empathetic, resilient, and driven, creating change through wellness and cultural inclusivity.​
Health Coach

Cryscilla HerbkersmanLinkedin logo

Cryscilla Herbkersman

Cryscilla’s background is in Education and Physician Assistant Studies. As OSW’s Coach Training Program Coordinator she is passionate about ensuring that all students feel supported and empowered throughout the program. Health and wellness coach training was a deeply transformative personal and professional experience for her. She is excited to be a part of this team to help future coaches recognize the ability we all have to empower others to find their own personal motivation to make lasting positive lifestyle and behavior changes. She has studied health and wellness for 5+ years and loves to spend time in the kitchen creating simple, accessible, and affordable veggie-powered recipes. She currently works as the Coach Training Program Coordinator, OSWx Alumni Coordinator, and OSW Peer Leader Coordinator.
Coach Training Program Coordinator


Sally DuplantierLinkedin logo

Sally Duplantier

Sally Duplantier, MS, is a gerontologist with a mission to help adults live their best lives longer through better lifestyle choices and health equity. Her research focuses on how nutrition, movement, sleep, stress, and social engagement impact Healthspan—the number of years we are free of chronic disease and disability. Sally has a Master of Science in gerontology from the University of Southern California, a graduate certificate in qualitative research from Indiana University, and a certificate in nutrition science from Stanford.

Curious about this kind of work? Consider our Health Coach training

We accept applications from individuals and organizational partners for our NBHWC-approved program.  
Explore Our Program